Really good observation. It is difficult to follow these tech advancements closely and get excited while at the same time seeing others outside without any interest or care of them. The second guessing may be an important part of the process of evaluating something new.
I think this is a more accurate take about AI than that offered by certain breathless venture capitalists. The world is a very large and complex place, and technology and tech companies account for a relatively small portion of it. Though it is in some sense true that software is eating the world, to use Marc Andreessen's apt phrase, it is not true in the way that most technologists understand that phrase. Software has made inroads in every business, and will continue to do so far into the future. But what software eating the world looks like varies, significantly, across industries, and between companies within a given industry. AI is remarkable technology. But it's not magic. Companies are full of people, and people are complex beings: territorial, averse to change and risk, desirous of control, etc.
At the same time, people who are not technologists, who dismiss AI as yet more hype, will be behind the curve. The answer is not to conclude that AI is yet more vaporware hype promised by Silly Valley, but, rather, to engage with it, experiment with it, and learn how to incorporate it into whatever work one does.
Really good observation. It is difficult to follow these tech advancements closely and get excited while at the same time seeing others outside without any interest or care of them. The second guessing may be an important part of the process of evaluating something new.
I think this is a more accurate take about AI than that offered by certain breathless venture capitalists. The world is a very large and complex place, and technology and tech companies account for a relatively small portion of it. Though it is in some sense true that software is eating the world, to use Marc Andreessen's apt phrase, it is not true in the way that most technologists understand that phrase. Software has made inroads in every business, and will continue to do so far into the future. But what software eating the world looks like varies, significantly, across industries, and between companies within a given industry. AI is remarkable technology. But it's not magic. Companies are full of people, and people are complex beings: territorial, averse to change and risk, desirous of control, etc.
At the same time, people who are not technologists, who dismiss AI as yet more hype, will be behind the curve. The answer is not to conclude that AI is yet more vaporware hype promised by Silly Valley, but, rather, to engage with it, experiment with it, and learn how to incorporate it into whatever work one does.